Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Security Hints & Tips

If you were to give a thief enough time and resources (assuming they had the proper knowledge and the right tools), they could, possibly, break into virtually any building, defeat any lock or open any safe. Fortunately, the average thug does not have the luxury of unlimited time, knowledge, tools and other resources. Consequently, they're reduced to the most direct approach: Force.

Rather than use finesse, they will break, pry, twist, hammer and otherwise force their way in. That makes it easy for you to take steps to deter them from entering your home or business.

Simply walk around the inside and outside of your home or business and look at the doors, windows, vents, and various openings in the wall or roof and ask yourself this question: "Could I force my way through that ____________?" If the answer is: "Yes". Then, you need to strengthen that weak point to keep the thugs out.

Your security measures could be as simple as installing some screws or repairing a broken window latch. We can help you find the simplest, and frequently, the most economical security solutions that are truly effective.

Lock it Up
Install deadbolts and door locks; make sure lock strike plates are installed properly with long anchor screws. Install window locks, Do not leave the garage doors open. These things will make entry more difficult for criminals.

Spare Keys
Do not leave a spare outside. Give one to a trusted neighbor. If no other choice but to leave a key outside, be creative. Do not put them under flower pots, welcome mats or on window ledges.

Trim the Shrubs
Shrubs and landscaping should be no higher than the bottom of the window.
Crooks always find places to hide!

Increase Your View

Install a door viewer (peep hole) so you can get a good look at who’s at the door.
Make sure it’s at a good height for everyone to use.

Look Like Somebody’s Home
If you’re going on a trip, stop mail delivery or have a neighbor collect it for you. 3 or 4 news papers in the yard or a full mail box tells the criminals that no one is home.
Install timers on lamps in different rooms, adjust them to come on and go off at different times during the night.

Sound Like You’re at Home

If you have your name on your mail box, take it off. Bad guys will often call 411 to get your phone number, then they call to see if your home. Forward your home phone to your cell phone, when they call, you’ll answer.

Make a list

List your valuables. If you are the victim of a robbery having a list of your valuables their serial numbers and even pictures or videos. This will help identify the items when they are recovered by the Police.

Hints & Tips to Keep you Safe!

One of the most important traits a Locksmith can have is trust. Trust is not just given out. It is not a right, but rather, trust is earned by hard work and dedication. Our customers have given us their trust with repeat business since 1984.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Keyholes are a part of life as with the keys that are inserted into them.
Tim Holtz states on his keyhole embellishments:

keyholes ('ke-holz) tiny openings in which keys are inserted to gain access to a desirable place or state of mind.

How many times have we picked a lock? Countless. Each lock has a personality all it's own so you have to really get to KNOW the lock in which you are to gain access. A stubborn lock will attempt to keep us out, but most will open up within a few minutes. For 20 years, locksmithing was a full time job: 24/7. Van mostly locksmiths now with me as a helper on the weekends.

As an artist, I am fascinated by locks & keys found at flea markets, estate sales, etc. The old skeleton keys are the hardest to find for a decent price. While obtaining my degree in Graphic Design, 90% of my artwork reflected locks & keys. A 5' x 3' canvas piece hands in our spare bedroom. It's covered with safe diagrams and keys of all sizes (large jailer keys included). It's still a work in progress as it does not completely please me yet.
Pick on!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Day in the Life of a Locksmith

There is no day that is within the norm when it comes to locksmithing. Sure at times the cars are easy to open.....you know, those 2 second pops & you're in. What the customer doesn't see is the education that a Locksmith is required to have in order to maintain those skills. How about those car lock outs that require blood, sweat & tears? Only the customer who owns the vehicle sees this as a trickier business to be in. A simple question we ask when being called on a car lock out: Has anyone tried to open the car? 9 out of 10 times the answer comes back across the phone lines......... oh no, no one has touched MY car!

Well, upon arriving on the site where the car is locked up, we ALWAYS do a visual survey. It's amazing how well those tell-tell marks appear on ALL windows; a sure fire way of verifying that someone has tried desperately that someone HAD tried before calling a locksmith. By this time, what damage can be done has been done. It's times like this you hate telling that customer that someone has indeed tried to enter the car upon our arrival and that we are NOT responsible for any damage that has occurred.

I have learned very well how to read a door key when hanging in the ignition. Other than picking, that was my calling. How many times have I jumped up on the back of a pickup to get a better shot at a key? THOUSANDS!! By reading a key, cutting one by the cuts, and opening the door via a key, NO DAMAGE to the vehicle can come back to haunt you. PLUS, the customer has yet another key to lock in their car! Most car lock-outs has more than one door key on a ring.....one had 4 and still had to call us! And then again, we had habitual car locker outers.

Enough for now!